Isokinetic strength training is very intense and stimulates max effort in all joint angles. The term “isokinetic” implies that movement speed is restricted to a set value no matter how hard the effort. It feels like pushing against a wall that will only give so fast no matter how hard you push. Isokinetic training in global movements, such as the squat, is not common because regular strength equipment does not provide this type of resistance.
This case is based on a female power lifter who with limited time available had to prepare for an international competition. It was therefore decided to use a purely isokinetic protocol for 6 weeks to build a strength foundation. Thereafter, a remaining 4 weeks were used to train the sport of powerlifting using competition bar bells. The initial six weeks presented a unique opportunity to measure the impact of isokinetic strength training on an elite athlete without other types of training tainting the numbers.
The isokinetic training was performed solely with 1080 Quantum offering the ability to limit movement speed and thereby prove isokinetic resistance in the concentric phase. Boosted eccentric squats where also used which is best described as trying to resist a 700 lbs elevator cage that’s slowly pushing you down. The force, speed and power output was captured by the Quantum’s built in measurement function.
The results from a total of 6 squat sessions are shown in the summary slide. They produced an increase of average concentric force by 35% and peak force by 47%.
The rationale for only training once per week is the fact that the method is highly intense and creates more fatigue than regular weight training. More time is needed for recovery as force output would otherwise be lower if the next session was performed too soon.