Recorded Webinars

Kyle Sammons
Director of Performance Strive TechDate: October 12, 2022
Sports Scientist Kyle Sammons offers his experience guiding two college football players with Achilles tendon injuries back to competition by connecting evidence-based principles supported by a data-driven progression.

Dr. Pierre Samozino
Professor, Université Savoie Mont BlancDate: May 27, 2022
Dr. Samozino begins by explaining the basics of force-velocity (F-v) profiling for sprinting and horizontal force production capacity. He provides guidelines how to individualize training to hit the goal of improving short or long sprints based on respective influences of maximal power output (PHmax), F-v profile target, and sport demands.

Dr. Damian Harper
Lecturer and researcher, Institute of Coaching & Performance (ICaP), University of Central Lancashire.Date: May 28, 2022
The game is getting faster! Learn the qualities needed to decelerate and brake rapidly from a leader in the field. Damian discusses why these necessary movement skills can be improved with accurate testing and analysis alongside acceleration and top speed capabilities. Take-away key braking exercises to target an integrated mixed-method training approach to performance enhancement.
Date: May 17, 2022
Private sports performance coaches Kevin Hollabaugh and Josh McDaniel will dive into the specifics of training linear running specifically to baseball sports demands. In the first session, attendees will learn effective starting positions and keys to developing fast base running skills. In part two, acceleration and top-end speed programming are the focus.

Spellman Performance
LES SPELLMANDate: November 16, 2021
Time: 1 pm Eastern US/Canada; 7 pm Central European Time
Les Spellman has emerged as one of America’s elite speed performance coaches – training NFL and USA Rugby players, Olympians, NCAA athletes, plus emerging high school and youth. Learn how he implements the 1080 Sprint to assess, analyze, and prescribe individual speed programs.
Date: September 11, 2021
From the pre-season to the end of the grueling forty-week season, the performance and reconditioning staff of FC Grenoble Rugby focus on improving each individual’s personal best in speed using the 1080Sprint. Data tracked over three seasons shows the evolution of improved sprint performance and decreased hamstring injuries. Viewers will learn how to implement the 1080 Sprint into a team training setting.

Matt Price
Director, Strength and Performance Science, LA KingsDate: September 10, 2021
Learn from coach Price as he discusses concepts and execution of speed training on and off the ice to improve the skill of skating fast. He discusses speed training philosophy, athlete profiling, and insights into using technology to reach new levels with professional hockey players during the season.

Fast Bowling Specialist CoachDate: April 29, 2021
Coach Jones will present sport specific assessment strategies with actionable insights driving training individualization of fast bowlers.

Cameron Josse
Athletic Performance Coach for football at Indiana UniversityDate: February 24, 2021
Cameron Josse will share how the Hoosiers utilize technology to increase team speed in collegiate American football. Get ready to learn practical applications of speed development and how to regain speed after injury.
Date: December 4, 2020
Damian and Ola will address the emerging research regarding change of direction (CoD) testing specific to assessment of horizontal deceleration. They will offer insight into practical field-based CoD testing applications under load identifying specific performance determinants with implications to the future of individualized CoD training.

Associate Professor, Institute of Physical Performance Norwegian School of Sport SciencesDate: May 28, 2020
Swimming is one of the most popular sports in the world. The swimming environment is harsh and challenging to sustain, providing technological limitations for monitoring performance and daily training. However, new technologies become more and more advanced and available for providing applied research and to monitor performance and training in the aquatic environment.
This presentation will center around five new technological possibilities for applied swimming research, and to monitor performance and daily training.
- race analysis with automatic movement recognition for identifying and improving performance determining factors,
- a portable winch system for generating load-velocity profiles, anaerobic and strength testing, and passive drag,
- optical heart rate for monitoring training intensity,
- inertial measurement units for daily monitoring stroke kinematics, and
- electromyographic enhancements for identifying muscular activation patterns, fatigue and correspondence to technique/drill exercises.

Director of Sports Science, University of Alabama FootballDate: May 21, 2020
Matt Rhea is a renowned specialist on speed development in team sports who recently joined the Crimson Tide as Director of Sports Science. In this session Matt will share his approach and methods for incorporating overspeed training in collegiate American football. Buckle up for an hour of learning how to practically apply science in daily team training activities.

Date: May 14, 2020
Cal Dietz and Chris Korfist are two of the most creative people in the quest of developing athletic performance. Refusing to accept the status quo, they constantly experiment and evaluate new ideas. In this session Cal and Chris will share and discuss some of their favorite ideas and concepts in training youth, collegiate and professional athletes.
Date: May 7, 2020
Join this conversation between some of the most forward-thinking professionals in rehab and reconditioning of elite athletes. Drawing from their varying experiences and backgrounds, Vern Gambetta will challenge with questions to stimulate learning and reflection on this crucial part of sports.
Date: April 30, 2020
We welcome this group of legendary sprint coaches to a conversation covering: training, competing, coaching philosophy, current events and more.

ProfessorDate: April 23, 2020
JB will address the most recent research in the context of sprint mechanics analysis and what is possible in field, realistic conditions. After introducing the concepts and methods and detailing some applied work he is supervising in elite rugby, JB will also address and clarify the limitations of the approach and research, the do’s and don’ts for a valid application in practice, and discuss the results of some current research projects on resisted and assisted sprinting. JB looks forward to answering all questions from the audience!
Date: April 16, 2020
Chris and Devan will discuss the transfer of skills from the weight room to in-sport performance in the hockey rink and the journey of implementing related metrics in your performance setting.
Date: April 8, 2020
Fabian and Jan will speak about programming of accentuated eccentric loading (AEL) for developing upper- and lower-body strength with elite athletes. Examples of exercises and progressions that apply to coaches who seek to balance training needs with the high acute training demands of their sport.

Head Strength & Conditioning CoachDate: April 2, 2020
Matt will discuss the application of 1080 Motion technology to his Performance Assessment and Athlete Monitoring system. The conversation will cover the implementation of the technology, new found insights, and future directions of enhancing his professional hockey players performance.
The Strength In Numbers webinars are FREE with a maximum capacity of 500 attendees. Register quickly to secure your spot. Feel free to share this invite with other coaches and performance professionals in your network who may find it valuable.
Click on the registration links in the above schedule to sign up. A confirmation email will be sent with login information.
Additional sessions will follow featuring more innovative leaders in high performance training, rehabilitation and research.
Many thanks to our speakers who volunteer their time to share their experience in these unusual times.